Would you like to learn about film-making and take part in workshops lead by young people? We are looking for young creatives aged 14-18 to take part in 5 online workshop on Wednesdays 4-6pm to generate new and exciting digital artworks. If you would like to sign up please complete the form here.
Deadline to sign up Sunday 17 May 2020. There are 12 places. We will prioritise young people from Sefton if applications are high.
The workshops will layer multiple artforms:
• 20 May 4-6pm : Portrait making in the age of selfies and lock-down
• 27 May 4-6 pm: Everyday ‘alive’ Still Life
• 3 June 4-6 pm: Landscapes, from your window and beyond
• 10 June 4-6pm: Reimagining the world through narration and film-making
• 17 June 4-6 pm: Collective online soundscapes
Project Information
The Atkinson is working with a group of young people to create a Festival of Hope in 2020. The festival will be a celebration of creativity, diverse art forms and youth-led activity. Due to the current situation, we have been presented with an opportunity to reflect the real world around us and create an exciting digital artwork and platform. To do this, we will be working with artist Laurence Payot and five young leaders who will be facilitating a project name; Butterflies in the Chaos.
Butterflies in the Chaos
Everything we do has an effect on the world around us. The butterfly-effect-in-chaos theory is a scientific concept that outlines that the flick of a butterfly wing on one side of the world could create a tornado on the other. This concept gives us hope for change, gives us the ambition to re-imagine a world as we would like to see it.
We are seeking young creatives (14-18) to take part in online Zoom workshops on Wednesday afternoons with artist Laurence Payot and a team of young leaders to create an exciting digital work.
The end project will form an interactive webpage showing the talents, creativity and wares of young people based in Sefton. This will be presented digitally on Sefton’s Festival of Hope website in August 2020 and will be presented as part of the festival’s celebrations later in the year.