• You make me feel good.

You make me feel good – Activity – Represent friendship.

Laurence Payot is currently working with Heart of Glass on a new project ‘You make me feel good.‘, commissioned as part of the Creative People and Places and Loneliness Project, with collaborating artists Scott Farlow, Laura Spark and Stacey Atkinson.

You make me feel good.’ is a project aiming to give form to our feelings about human connection, something most of us have missed so much during this pandemic. When something so banal – yet so crucial for our happiness and sense of self- is taken away from us, it makes us re-evaluate what’s important for us as individuals but also as a society. Family, friends, work colleagues, members of a group, acquaintances, neighbours and passers-by are all part of a web that defines who we are, and without it we can feel lost and incomplete. So let’s celebrate those amazing feelings, remembers happy times and look forward to socialising again.

How can we describe frienship?
It is such an ephemeral thing,
always shifting,
always changing,
like sand dunes
under the wind of life.

Draw or write a metaphor
that represents friendship
for you.

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“I made some good friends when I lived in the Emirates. I think friendship is like a sand dune. It changes over time. Life changes, friendships adapt. The dunes might disappear but the sand is always here.” (Andrea)

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“Friendships are like a spirals, they grow over time.” (Susan)

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“Frienship is like a cloud, it expands.” (Hugh)

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“Happiness” (Paulette)

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“Yin and Yang, complementary, different personalities” (Pam)

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“It’s like 2 oceans colliding, sometimes the waves clash and bang, sometimes they flow together… They create currents…”

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