Below are photographs taken during a celebratory event at St Marie’s Church, Halton, to bring together all the people involved in The Bleach Packer project.
Through a series of creative workshops, lead artist Lou Chapelle collaborated with local creative practitioners and young people who live and study in Halton to create costumes, dance, poetry, and sound.
Together they have re-imagined the Bleach Packers, iconic workers from the borough’s past, by creating holographic video and augmented reality images.
The resulting artwork enacts a surreal Bleach Packer’s dream, in which he finds himself transformed, torn between chemical and nature.
The Bleach Packers is part of the Celebrating Halton’s Heritage project which is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of Halton’s Borough of Culture 2021 celebrations.
Created with collaborating artists:
film-maker Tim Brunsden
costume designer Rachael Prime
sound artist Wendy Smith
poet Louise Fazackerley
choreographer Sharon Graham
Augmented Reality, Laurie Cooper at Rescue Station