Artists Laurence Payot and Ailie Rutherford are creating a moving, dancing artwork for this years’ Electric Fields Festival. We’d like to invite you to get involved and become part of the work.
People Pavilion is a mobile wearable architecture formed of modular pieces. Comfortable and lightweight to wear, the individual elements of People Pavilion come together to create a human architecture; a walking, talking, living, dancing pavilion with many different configurations.
People Pavilion has been used as a micro auditorium for a choir, a sew-on-the-go station, a tai-chi tent, a space for discussion, celebration and action. Every group that uses People Pavilion makes it their own. For Electric Fields we are especially interested in doing something celebratory for the festival, inviting people to create a dancing tent or singing pavilion, but we’re open to suggestion!
We are looking for expression of interest from individuals, groups of friends, community groups from the area. Let us know if you have a new idea for People Pavilion, or if you’d like to dance.
Everyone taking part in People Pavilion will get a ticket to the weekend festival. If money is an obstacle please let us know. We have a small budget towards the cost of travel from Dumfries.
Call out closes on 31 July but please apply as soon as possible: Contact Laurence at or Ailie at