Growing Antlers

Part of Knowsley Safari’s popular Enchanted winter trail, Growing Antlers is a magical new ‘floating’ art installation created by artist Lou Chapelle working with local families. Projected on a 10 x 5 meter see-through gauze in between trees, huge portraits slowly appear in an hypnotic ritual inspired by winter folklores.

Exploring Knowsley Safari’s ancient woodland setting and the critically endangered Père David’s deer herd who roam it, the hologram-like audio visual spectacle explores the magic, myth and mysticism that these ‘guardians of the forest’ have inspired in cultures across the world.

When we come together we’re as strong as the forest.

Visitors are invited to pause at the installation, and watch and listen as people turn into deer, antlers grow into forests, and imagine what would happen if we grew antlers and could tune and reconnect into the nature all around us…